Friday, 29 March 2013

Nomination deadline extended

Celebrating information professionals in Wales

There's still time to make your nomination for the Welsh Librarian of the Year 2013 Award!

The nominations deadline has now been extended until 23:59 on Tuesday 2 April 2013.
We've had a flurry of last-minute - but excellent - nominations for the Welsh Librarian of the Year Award. Thank you to the CILIP members who have taken the time to recognise and celebrate the achievements, impacts and innovation of their colleagues.

In order to capitalise on this final spurt of activity we have decided to extend the deadline until Tuesday 2 April 2013. So it's not too late to make your nominations! Who will you nominate?

The overall winner will be announced at the Annual Conference on Thursday 16 May, and will receive a prize of £500. SirsiDynix, the library technology specialists, are kindly sponsoring the Award. Further information about the award, including links to the nomination form, are available here. The nomination procedure is very straight-forward. Your nomination should be supported by a statement of upto 400 words outlining:

  1. your nominee’s recent professional achievements and impacts.
  2. how has their work made a significant and positive impact on their user communities, or to the profession more widely?
  3. how has your nominee demonstrated outstanding service provision, innovation, excellence or contributed to the development of best practice? 
You may also choose to add some further supporting evidence, not exceeding 5 sides of A4 or 5MB file size. We look forward to receiving your nomination!

Nomination Form in English
Nomination Form in Welsh 
Further information from the CILIP Cymru Wales web pages

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Final call for nominations

There is now just ONE WEEK left to submit your nomination for the Welsh Librarian of the Year Award.

Don't delay - ACT TODAY!

Relutance and reticence?

As a profession we are, perhaps, reluctant to shout-out about our successes, our hard-fought achievements and the valued differences that we make to the communities that we serve. We underplay our unique professional skills, knowledge and abilities; preferring to "do the job" rather than celebrate our achievements and worth.

As reluctant as we are to broadcast from the rooftops about the achievements of our services or profession, we are surely even more reticent in celebrating personal achievement and contribution.

In CILIP Cymru Wales we would like this to change.

"At a time when there are news reports of library service cuts it’s great that CILIP Cymru Wales shouts loudly in recognition of highly skilled, dedicated and innovative librarians and information professionals. Our colleagues are constantly pushing at boundaries, enabling library users access to the information that they need in formats that work for the user, tackling the digital information divide,  serving all equally, furthering knowledge and understanding, enabling greater engagement in society, adding and enabling pleasure and interest in so many peoples’ lives". Karen Gibbins, Chair of CILIP Cymru Wales, and Principal Librarian, Swansea Public Libraries.
We see service excellence and innovation on a daily basis. We see and hear of librarians and information professionals doing fatastic jobs, achieving so much, and changing peoples' lives for the better. We also know that service development, innovation and achievement is occuring despite of the environment of staffing constraints, organisational turmoil and budget reductions.

If we don't celebrate the achievements of our colleagues who will? That's easy to answer! No one will.

Call to action 

So, please, please THINK and ACT:
  • Do I work alongside colleagues who deserve the accolade of Welsh Librarian of the Year? The answer is almost certainly YES!!
  • Please spare 20 minutes to celebrate your colleague by nominating them for the Award. It's a very straightforward and easy process and nominations may be submitted in English or Welsh.
In shining a light of recognition and congratulations on your colleagues you will be achieving so much:

  • saying "thank you and well done" to your colleagues, recognising their achievements
  • promoting your service, raising the profile of what you do and what you excel in with people who matter
  • valuing what we as librarians and information professionals bring to contemporary Wales
  • sharing your successes, and in doing so, enabling others to learn and build from your achievements.
We don't wish to only celebrate the achievements of the really well-known and senior professionals in Wales. A great deal of excellence, service innovation and development occurs at the "coal face" of the library floor, the service counter, online enquiry service, bibliographic services department, etc. Any professional colleague - someone with a recognised library / information qualification, or working towards one, whether a CILIP member or not, can be nominated.

Thanks to kind sponsorship from Sirsi Dynix the overall winner will receive a £500 cash prize. The winner will be announced at the CILIP Cymru Wales Annual Conference Dinner on Thursday 16th May at the Radisson Blu Hotel Cardiff. Nominations should be submitted by Thursday 28th March 2013.

Further information about the Award is available in this press release.

Nominations can be made  in English or in Welsh.

Welsh Librarian of the Year Award Terms and conditions

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

News from WHELF

WHELF have recently issued a news update and this includes content  that will be of interest to colleagues not working in HE Libraries. Their email distribution list WHELF on has recently been opened for all to join. 

WHELF: Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum
March 2013: an update  

WHELF actively promotes the work of higher education libraries in Wales and provides a focus for the development of new ideas and services.
At our recent meeting in February, these were some of the topics under discussion:

1. WHELF Strategy and Vision

A working group led by Sue Hodges is developing a new strategy and vision for WHELF. The purpose of this new strategy is to outline a clear vision for WHELF over the next two years and to set a new direction and culture following recent changes within Wales and within the HE sector generally. We are all working within an environment where there is a constant need to deliver innovative services within financial constraints.
This new strategy is an opportunity to reposition WHELF within Wales as a collaborative partnership: one which will help us meet the current political agenda and demands from our own institutions and one which will help us realise cost benefits via potential shared services and collaborative e-resource deals.

2. Welsh Higher Education Libraries Shared LMS Services 

The final report of the Library Systems Shared Services Feasibility Study (Wales) has been presented to WHELF. It explores the potential for a shared Library Management System across all higher education institutions and the NHS libraries in Wales.
It has recommended that setting up an All-Wales Consortium with formal governance is the best option for provision of a shared service. A cloud solution hosted by a vendor (or open source vendor) is the preferred option, because this will provide the most cost-effective resilient solution.  The report was accepted in its entirety and WHELF have agreed that they want to pursue the option of developing a shared LMS in line with the report's recommendations.
A summary of the report is available on the WHELF website. 

3. Walk-in Access Wales

WHELF’s project to enable walk-in access to electronic resources in Welsh HE libraries is almost complete.  A toolkit will be published shortly and a walk-in access solution has been implemented at the pilot site at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, as well as at Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University.
On 1st February over 30 librarians from public, further education, national and academic libraries and staff from JANET UK and CyMAL came together to discuss walk-in access to electronic resources. Following the excellent presentations there was a lively debate, followed by workshop sessions on advocacy and marketing together with technical solutions and access management. Presentations and detailed notes from the discussions and workshops can be viewed here.

4. Welsh Higher Education Electronic Library (WHEEL)

A new steering group has convened to look at further development of collaborative purchase of e-resources in Wales. Find out more.

5. The Welsh experience of World War One 1914-1918

The WHELF WW1 digitisation project, led by the National Library, is going well and is on schedule for completion in July. Most printed and paper archival material has been scanned. There are some very interesting stories and photos on the blog, including how the materials are being used for teaching students. The digital collection will be available online and People’s Collection Wales, a project partner, is currently inviting the public to become a part of the project by bringing their materials along to one of a series of events where staff will be on hand to scan letters, photographs, certificates, postcards, diaries and any other documents or memorabilia.
Find out more here

6. WHELF News

Members of WHELF past and present met at the National Library of Wales on 7th February. The occasion was to celebrate and mark Andrew Green’s forthcoming retirement from the National Library and his huge contribution to WHELF over the many years he has chaired the group. His energy, expertise and commitment to WHELF will be very sadly missed. Photo
In the interim it has been agreed that Janet Peters will take on the role of Chair, so WHELF is still in safe hands!
Thanks were also expressed to Rebecca Davies who has been looking after WHELF finances very ably for the past few years as Treasurer. We are grateful to Julie Hart who has now taken on the role of Treasurer.
Finally ... this is my last bulletin for WHELF as I am leaving in April to spend more time on our B&B and holiday cottage in Pembrokeshire. I have very much enjoyed working for WHELF, especially as it has given me a wonderful  opportunity to meet so many of you over the last few years. I will always be grateful for your friendship and support. If you would like to find out what I'm doing, please have a look at our Facebook page (all "likes" welcome!) or our website

Sue Mace
Development Officer
WHELF: Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum

Have your say on CILIP's future training offer

We want you to tell us what you want from a new CILIP training offer, which will sit alongside the training offered by Regional Branches and Special Interest Groups. This is your opportunity to tell us about your training and development needs and to express your preferences for how training should be delivered.

Please complete the survey prepared by the researchers at Edinburgh Napier University who are carrying out this important piece of market research on behalf of CILIP. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete:

Continuing Professional Development Survey
The survey closes at 9am Monday 25 March 2013.

If you have any questions or comments about completing this survey, please email

Friday, 15 March 2013

Health Libraries Group Wales Study Day - rescheduled to Tuesday 23 April 2013

The HLG Wales Study Day has been re-scheduled from 26th March to Tuesday 23 April. The event will still take place at the Royal College of Nursing in Cardiff. 

Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but I'm positive that this will be a day worth waiting for! 

The day will provide a fascinating insight into:
  • using smartphones to provide access to key medical texts
  • the open-access debate, and how Cardiff University are responding
  • a video conferenced session with colleagues from the University of Sheffield School of Health and Related Research
  • the virtual enquiry service provided for RCN members in Wales
This event will also provide lots of useful networking opportunities and time to find out more about HLGW. Please support this event! Further details are given below.

Health Libraries Group Wales (HLGW)
Spring Study Day & AGM - Tuesday 23rd April 2013

RCN Wales
Ty Maeth
King George V Drive East
CF14 4XZ 

10.00am to 4.00pm - including lunch – cost £15.00
 (Please make cheques payable to ‘Health Libraries Group Wales’)

Programme for the Day

10.00                    Coffee & Registration / Welcome & Introduction by Joint Chairs

10.30                           iDOC Team - Smartphones on the ward?
foundation doctors' experiences of using electronic texts to support workplace learning – Prof Alison Bullock and Dr Rebecca Dimond - Curemede, Cardiff University

11.30                          The Finch Report and Open Access Publishing 
                              Sonja Haerkoenen – Cardiff University
12.30                          Lunch

1.30                                       A Free Web Toolkit for the Modern Library
                                    Andy Tattersall & Claire Beecroft – SCHARR (School of Health & Related Research) University of Sheffield (presentation delivered remotely from Sheffield)

2.30                       Virtual Enquiries at the Royal College of Nursing 
                                    RCN Library, Archives and Information Services
3.00                             Coffee

3.30                         HLGW Annual General Meeting

4.00                             Close

I would like to attend the HLG Wales Spring Study Day


Job Title:


Work address:


Tel:                                                  Email:

I am/am not a member of the Health Libraries Group Wales

Please indicate whether you require a vegetarian/non-vegetarian meal 

Any other special requirements:

Please return booking form (with payment cheque) to:

Pat Duxbury
p/t Care Sciences Information Librarian
University of Glamorgan
Glyntaff Campus LRC
CF37 1DL

Tel: 01443 483151

Learning spaces and student experience

Coffee Shop Learning Spaces. (c) Goodmami
Used under CC BY-SA 2.0   

Librarians, university and college estates professionals, academic staff and architects gathered at the National Assembly Senedd Building on Monday 11 March in order to discuss creating effective learning spaces. The discussion was varied, interesting and thought-provoking and benefited from the multi-professional delegate and speaker list. Flexibility, adaptability, agility, “factoring in” the basics (lighting, temperature, colour, sound etc), as well incorporating spaces for social and informal learning were key themes.

The University of Newport Learning Spaces Pedagogic Research Group hosted this one-day conference drawing a wide range of colleagues mainly from architectural practice,  the university and college sector. The university is actively investigating learning space design and utilization  included work undertaken by Martin Edwards on the Newport Campus Learning Centre previously reported by CILIP in Wales . SIP Funding is helping to extend the work being undertaken in Newport.

Richard Mazuch (IBI Nightingale) took us back to basics with sense sensitive design. The basics of light levels, colour, vistas, sound, touch, temperature and atmosphere -  all have proven impacts on learning through physiological, psychological, emotional and physical means.  Using research based on school and health care settings (but with much wider relevance) we know, for instance:
·         that good levels of natural lighting in school classrooms can increase productivity by 18-20%
·         build-up of CO2 in classrooms lacking ventilation negatively impacts learning and attentiveness
·         dimming lighting in intensive care wards results in staff moving around more quietly and noise levels being reduced significantly to the benefit of patient outcomes

Richard demonstrated that it is possible to design these factors into new builds and many refurbishments. However, there are  simple things that can be done to effectively and cheaply enhance the learning environment.

  • Poor natural light levels? Invest in natural light bulbs which are now widely available and relatively inexpensive. 
  • Introduce appropriate colour, either through paint, or through colour projecting devices. The latter could be used to subtly change the environment throughout the day. Investigate colour psychology to find out more! 
  • Olfactory planning - often forgotten! We can improve the smell profile of our spaces. Citrus oils will enliven the environment and increase productivity. 
  • Sound – extensively used in retail, but not often considered in libraries. Should we be benefitting from the Mozart effect? Do we reap benefits from adjacent bird song or the gentle noise of the wind in trees?

Throughout Richard’s presentation we were entertained with phrases such as “articulate the environment” and “choreograph temperature and colour”. These are great reminders that we can add much to our learning spaces through pro-actively controlling and managing the sensory aspects of our environments. In doing so we will reap significant rewards and benefits.

From my time as an FE and HE librarian from the 1990s, I am fully familiar with the mantras of flexible design, zoning and purpose-relevant design for creating effective learning spaces. These seem to be as relevant today as they were then.
In case studies from Bournemouth (Glenn Turner, IBI Nightingale), Birmingham (Toni Kelly) and Newport Universities (Martin Edwards , Stephen Godber and Molly Owens) we received wisdom hard-earned from practical experience. From my time as an FE and HE librarian from the 1990s, I am fully familiar with the mantras of flexible design, zoning and purpose-relevant design for creating effective learning spaces. These seem to be as relevant today as they were then. 

Equip spaces with movable furniture for flexibility and agility;  provide spaces for group working, silent study, and working with technology. However, where this has moved on is through the increasing preference of a “cafe culture” for learning, and the technological freedoms enabled through WiFi. Students now appear to prefer to work in coffee shop type environments - areas providing a variety of seating and table types, lighting levels, sound and activity levels. With WiFi and highly portable devices we see a “Martini Culture” – anytime, anyplace, anywhere.  Our spaces should accommodate these changes in preference, but also continue to provide a variety of learning environments. Learners are not all the same. Indeed, at different times the same learner may wish to use the spectrum of available learning spaces.

With WiFi and highly portable devices we see a “Martini Culture” – anytime, anyplace, anywhere.  Our spaces should accommodate these changes in preference, but also continue to provide a variety of learning environments.
Bournemouth discovered that there is no single model for social learning space. What works well for undergraduates may be less appropriate for postgraduates. Similarly, what works in one space might not work in another. If the coffee shop model doesn’t work, might the business lounge model be more appropriate?  Do we forget to adequately design the small social learning spaces, like those found in lobby areas for lecture theatres, corridors or otherwise under-utilized shared spaces? Does uncertainty and poor client-briefing to architects lead to expensive over-design of spaces? For instance will large spaces ever need to be split with expensive movable partition walls. Will staffing and time ever be available to reconfigure such partitioned spaces?

At Birmingham it was felt that students embraced  independent and active learning, and that faculty were changing their programmes to reflect and boost these changes. However, learning spaces need to change too! Toni discussed establishing pilot active learning classrooms, usually focusing on spaces that had been historically under-utilised, or were clearly no longer fit for purpose. A lecture theatre once refurbished could still accommodate high numbers of students, and could be used in a traditional lecture scenario. However, by incorporating some swivel seating the theatre style could readily be used to encourage group discussion, and thus a more active classroom. We were also reminded to delve a little more deeply into the reality of room utilization statistics, and to supplement these with anecdotal or qualitative evidence. A 25-seat room might not be used because it is the wrong size, or set up in an inappropriate way. It might be under-used because it is too cold, has no natural lighting, poor ventilation, or is in a disfavoured area of campus.

Newport City Centre Campus.
The Newport City Centre Campus has provided a shiny new build, a beacon of a building, but has also placed the Learning Centre in a vast Atrium Space. Martin’s research engaged with students and identified areas for improvement including improved silent and group study spaces, IT provision and environmental factors. Do we really understand how patrons use our spaces and what their expectations of them are? Martin will extend this study by drawing on learning from public space design to see if further improvements can be made.  Stephen provided a fascinating perspective as an Estates Manager, balancing extensive backlogs in estate refurbishment, but also demonstrating very real awareness of student and faculty needs.
The perspective of an creative studies academic was provided by Molly, illustrating with striking examples of how uninspiring classroom spaces can disable creativity and productivity. By introducing a learning space with flexible furniture,  predominantly based around group seating and with the injection of colour, Molly has created a space that students and staff like to be in. Such configuration isn’t always appropriate and so Molly has embraced  the “outside classroom” – booking alternative facilities, organising talks from external experts, outside visits, and by using social media. In combination these changes to the learning environment  have reaped significant benefits for Molly and her students.

Dr Bela Arora, host for the day, provided a succinct and comprehensive summary. Bela closed by urging delegates to return to their institutions and initiate conversations hopefully leading to the creation of better learning spaces and therefore improved student experience. To do this organisations should encourage and respond to joined up, richer conversations, effectively utilizing and responding to different professional perspectives of policy, pedagogic practice / evidenced based practice, estates and design professionals.

This was an excellent, thought-provoking day. It was reassuring in that even small, relatively inexpensive changes, can  make significant differences. All delegates, I felt, could take away inspiration and quickly implement  them back in their settings. The day benefited from the mix of librarians, academics, architects and estates managers, and it was reassuring to note the huge sense of common purpose and shared experience within the room. By factoring in sense sensitive design, acknowledging changing learning styles favouring collaborative and social learning, providing spaces that foster creativity and contentment, and in taking into account technological developments, we can design, build or re-engineer spaces that will not only work for learners, but will benefit our staff, and serve as a draw for future students.

Ironically, the event itself suffered from a poor learning environment. But this goes to prove that learning does occur despite the environment! Delegates were crammed into the Senedd’s Media Suite, confronted by a flickering TV monitor, seated on unforgiving hard furniture, in a room that was constantly too cold. But our enthusiasm and attention were not defeated or dampened.

With sincere thanks to the speakers, Bela and her colleagues for an excellent event.

Since this event Dr Bela Arora has established the Innovative Learning Spaces group on LinkedIn. You may also care to follow Bela on Twitter @Bela_aror

New Welsh Minister for Culture ... and thus for librares

Welsh Government Building, Cardiff
(c) Seth Wales 2007 - available for re-use 
You may have noticed in yesterday's Welsh news that the First Minister has conducted a Cabinet reshuffle. As part of this reshuffle ministerial portfolios have changed. Huw Lewis AM remains on the Cabinet but with new responsibilities for Communities and Tackling Poverty. 

It appears that libraries, museums and archives now fall within the remit of the new Minister for Culture & Sport, John Griffiths AM. We look forward to working with John, but at the same time will miss Huw Lewis who has proven to be a very supportive and constructive minister for libraries in Wales.

The new Cabinet is:

Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM
First Minister of Wales
Edwina Hart AM OStJ MBE
Minister for Economy, Science and Transport
Prof Mark Drakeford AM
Minister for Health
Huw Lewis AM
Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty
Lesley Griffiths AM
Minister for Local Government (& Government Business)
Jane Hutt AM
Minister for Finance
John Griffiths AM
Minister for Culture and Sport
Leighton Andrews AM
Minister for Education
Carl Sargeant AM
Minister for Housing and Regeneration
Alun Davies AM
Minister for Natural Resources and Food
Deputy Ministers
Gwenda Thomas AM
Deputy Minister for Social Services
Jeff Cuthbert AM
Deputy Minister for Skills & Technology
Further information: Welsh Government press release 
John Griffiths' page on the National Assembly web site (needs updating!). And John's web site

And with grateful thanks to Alyson Tyler

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Supported places to attend CILIP Cymru Wales Annual Conference 2013

CILIP Cymru Wales are pleased to offer some supported (free) places to  attend conference this year:

·         2 full delegates: including conference attendance on Thursday and Friday, attendance at the Tir na n’Og reception and conference dinner, with overnight accommodation in the Radisson Blu Hotel Cardiff
·         9 day delegate places: to attend on Thursday and/or Friday (09:45 – 16:30)

We are also able to offer some support to assist with transport costs to and from the conference, to a maximum of £50 per application.

To apply you must be a CILIP Cymru Wales member. We will also give priority to applications coming from unwaged, library / information studies students,  and new professionals.

If you would like to apply for any of these awards please email providing the information requested below. Funding for this initiative comes from CILIP Cymru Wales and is provided to directly support our members. Unsuccessful applicants, and others, will also be welcome to apply for financial support from the Kathleen Cooks Fund. Please apply by 12/04/2013.

Request for funding support to attend CILIP Cymru Wales Annual Conference 2013.

Your Name:
Employing Organisation (if applicable):
Your CILIP Membership number:

Are you unwaged, a library / information studies students, new professional? If yes, please give details.

Which award are you applying for? Full Delegate / Day delegate / Help with travel only.

Will you require assistance with travel costs? If yes, please estimate your anticipated return journey costs.

What do you hope to gain from attending Annual Conference? (Statement not exceeding 200 words).

Have you previously received financial support from the Kathleen Cooks Fund or CILIP Cymru Wales? If yes, when and how much?

Will you be prepared to write a brief report of your experience, learning and development from Conference and for this to be published by CILIP Cymru Wales?

Celebrating childrens literature

The shortlisted titles for this year's CILIP  Kate Greenaway and Carnegie Medals have been announced today. The awards mark excellence in illustration and writing for children in the UK. This is a key milestone, and represents extensive work to date. Judges have narrowed down impressive long-lists of eligible titles to provide an indication of the best new children's books published in the UK over the last year. Why not expand your horizons and read one or two of the shortlisted titles?

CILIP Carnegie Medal

The CILIP Carnegie Medal is the oldest and most prestigious accolade for children's writing in the UK. The 2013 Carnegie Shortlist:

  • Sarah Crossan THE WEIGHT OF WATER Bloomsbury
  • Roddy Doyle A GREYHOUND OF A GIRL Marion Lloyd Books
  • Sally Gardner MAGGOT MOON Hot Key Books
  • Nick Lake IN DARKNESS  Bloomsbury
  • R. J. Palacio WONDER  Bodley Head
  • Marcus Sedgwick MIDWINTERBLOOD Indigo
  • Dave Shelton A BOY AND A BEAR IN A BOAT David Fickling Books
  • Elizabeth Wein CODE NAME VERITY Electric Monkey

CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal

Also announced today is the shortlist for the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal, which rewards outstanding illustration in a children's book - the only prize of its kind in the UK. The shortlist highlights the enormous range of style in contemporary children's illustration.  The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2013 shortlist:
  • Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb, Macmillan Children's Books
  • Again! by Emily Gravett, Macmillan Children's Books
  • Oh No, George! by Chris Haughton, Walker Books
  • I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen, Walker Books
  • Pirates 'n' Pistols by Chris Mould, Hodder Children's Books
  • King Jack and the Dragon by Helen Oxenbury (illustrator) and Peter Bently (author), Puffin Books
  • Black Dog by Levi Pinfold, Templar Publishing
  • Just Ducks! by Salvatore Rubbino (illustrator) and Nicola Davies (author), Walker Books
The winners for both the CILIP Medals will be announced on Wednesday 19th June 2013 at an afternoon ceremony at the Natural History Museum in London. The winners will each receive £500 worth of books to donate to their local library and the coveted golden medals. Since 2000, the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been awarded the £5,000 Colin Mears Award cash prize.

CKG Press release - click here
For further information about the shortlisted titles see the CKG website

You don't have to be a childrens, school or youth librarian to appreciate great new fiction and illustration. Why not expand your reading horizon and take a look at one or two of the shortlisted titles. You're guaranteed a great read!

The Youth Libraries Group in Wales will also talk about the collaborative, professional skills involved in selecting titles for the long- and short-lists for the Kate Greenaway Medal at the CILIP Cymru Wales Annual Conference in a workshop on Friday 17 May. It's going to be an interesting, entertaining, hands-on session! More information here.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Event Announcement

Youth Library Group Wales Day School

What makes teenagers tick? Working with young adults in libraries

Keynote speaker: Dr Mel Gibson, comics scholar & consultant
Also Technocamps, 'Inspiring Creative Fun' with ICT
£65.00 including refreshments throughout the day.
Non CILIP members welcome.

10:00  Coffee & registration
10:30  Welcome by the Chair
10:35  Dr Mel Gibson
           Comics scholar & consultant        
1:00    LUNCH
1:45    Technocamps
3:00    Closing remarks
3:30     Finish
Dr Mel Gibson
Dr Mel Gibson is a UK based comics scholar and consultant. She has run training and promotional events about comics and graphic novels for libraries, schools and other organizations for twenty years. Working extensively promoting and enthusing about comics, graphic novels and manga; working with young adults in libraries is something that Mel is passionate about. We are very pleased to welcome her to our day school.
Technocamps is an exciting project that provides free workshops to young people on programming, robotics, game design, app development and much more……
It is about getting young people (11-19 years) in Wales excited about Computer Science and STEM and challenging them to think about the world around them in a different way.  This is your chance to find out more.
Aims of the Day
  • To better understand the needs of young adult service users as library professionals.
  • To demonstrate how visual literacy can offer an exciting approach to reading & writing.
  • To consider innovative ways of engaging young adults in a library environment: developing the core library offer.
  • To share good practice. 
The Newport Centre
1 Kingsway, NEWPORT. South Wales. NP20 1UH. Telephone: (01633) 656 757

Travel by rail: Direct trains from Wrexham in under 2.5hrs. Direct trains from Swansea in under 1.5hrs.

The Newport Centre is less than a mile from Newport Train Station & can be reached easily on foot.

Day School Fees & Booking
The course will cost £65 including VAT and a buffet lunch.
Please inform us of any dietary requirements.                                                     
Please make cheques payable to Wales Youth Libraries Group.  Please reply no later than 19th April 2013.
Please email the following information to

Delegate Name:


Invoice Address (if different)

Telephone number:

Email Address:

Dietary Requirements:

Published on behalf of the YLG Wales. YLG is a Special Interest Group of CILIP.
Charity No: 313014
VAT No: GB 233 1573 87