Health Libraries Group Wales Study Day - rescheduled to Tuesday 23 April 2013

The HLG Wales Study Day has been re-scheduled from 26th March to Tuesday 23 April. The event will still take place at the Royal College of Nursing in Cardiff.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but I'm positive that this will be a day worth waiting for!
The day will provide a fascinating insight into:
- using smartphones to provide access to key medical texts
- the open-access debate, and how Cardiff University are responding
- a video conferenced session with colleagues from the University of Sheffield School of Health and Related Research
- the virtual enquiry service provided for RCN members in Wales
This event will also provide lots of useful networking opportunities and time to find out more about HLGW. Please support this event! Further details are given below.
Health Libraries Group Wales (HLGW)
Spring Study Day & AGM - Tuesday 23rd April 2013
RCN Wales
Ty Maeth
King George V Drive East
CF14 4XZ
10.00am to 4.00pm - including lunch – cost £15.00
(Please make cheques payable to ‘Health Libraries Group Wales’)
Programme for the Day
10.00 Coffee & Registration / Welcome & Introduction by Joint Chairs
10.30 iDOC Team - Smartphones on the ward?
foundation doctors' experiences of using electronic texts to support workplace learning – Prof Alison Bullock and Dr Rebecca Dimond - Curemede, Cardiff University
11.30 The Finch Report and Open Access Publishing
Sonja Haerkoenen – Cardiff University
12.30 Lunch
1.30 A Free Web Toolkit for the Modern Library
Andy Tattersall & Claire Beecroft – SCHARR (School of Health & Related Research) University of Sheffield (presentation delivered remotely from Sheffield)
2.30 Virtual Enquiries at the Royal College of Nursing
RCN Library, Archives and Information Services
3.00 Coffee
3.30 HLGW Annual General Meeting
4.00 Close
I would like to attend the HLG Wales Spring Study Day
Job Title:
Work address:
Tel: Email:
I am/am not a member of the Health Libraries Group Wales
Please indicate whether you require a vegetarian/non-vegetarian meal
Any other special requirements:
Please return booking form (with payment cheque) to:
Pat Duxbury
p/t Care Sciences Information Librarian
University of Glamorgan
Glyntaff Campus LRC
CF37 1DL
Tel: 01443 483151
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