Initial training for CILIP approved mentors, and their refresher / update training, was identified as an area for priority action at the CILIP Cymru Wales AGM in November 2012. CILIP Cymru Wales will therefore fund places for its members to attend the training and / or refresher session. Additional support for travel and accommodation may also be available from the Kathleen Cooks Benevolent Fund.
CILIP Mentor Training in Flint
Date: Wednesday 29 May, 2013
Location: Flint Library
Learners’ Centre, Church Street, Flint, CH6 5AP
A one day workshop run by PTEG on
behalf of CILIP Cymru Wales.
The purpose of this course is to
provide participants with a background to mentoring, a basic framework for
conducting mentoring both long and short term.
The focus of the event is to enable participants to develop effectively
as mentors in the context of the CILIP professional development scheme.
Mentor Training is a requisite for
becoming a CILIP Mentor and this course is suitable for all CILIP members who
have recently registered as CILIP mentors or are thinking of registering. Do
come along and find out more about the mentoring scheme.
By the end of the day participants
Understand the function of
mentoring in the CILIP CPD process
Have had the opportunity to
explore and experience mentoring
Be able to make an assessment
of their capability as mentors and identify their development needs in this area
Refresher Training
for existing CILIP mentors
Members who have previously attended a
course on mentoring skills may attend the afternoon only (14.00-16.30) to join
in the elements relating to the CILIP scheme.
Facilitators: Linda Ferguson, NW Health Care Libraries Unit
CILIP Members who are member of CILIP
Cymru Wales
Full Day Free
Half Day for
CILIP update only Free
Members £20 (inc VAT)
Members £35 (inc VAT)
(OR £30 (inc VAT) if you
join PTEG as an additional CILIP group for a cost of £10)
Half day for CILIP update only £12.00
(inc VAT)
(Ω) Financial support for this course is being provided by CILIP Cymru
Wales for the benefit of our members. Mentor training was identified as a
priority requirement by our members at the AGM in November 2012. CILIP Cymru
Wales members live and / or work in Wales. Branch membership is usually
automatic unless a specific Branch is selected by a member.
Additional financial support for help
with travel or accommodation costs may also be available to CILIP Cymru Wales
members from the Kathleen Cooks Benevolent Fund.
Cancellation policy
To book, or for further information:
Please complete the booking form below
and return it to: stephen.gregory@cilip.org.uk
If you require further information
please contact Stephen (Policy Officer (Wales) – Maternity Cover) on the above
email address or telephone 07837 032536
Interested in joining PTEG - CILIP's
Personnel, Training & Education Group?
Find out more on our web site at: http://www.cilip.org.uk/specialinterestgroups/bysubject/personnel/
or email Gil Young gil.young@nhs.net
CILIP MENTOR TRAINING – Flint, 29 May 2013
Your name:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Postal Address:
(*) delete as required.
I would like to attend the:
Full day Mentor Training event Yes
/ No (*)
CILIP mentor refresher training –
afternoon only Yes / No (*)
I am / am not (*) a CILIP Member.
My CILIP Membership Number:
Wales Members only:
I confirm that I am a CILIP Cymru Wales member Yes /
No (*)
The event charge for this event for CILIP Cymru Wales members will be
met from CILIP Cymru Wales funding (but please note the cancellation policy).
I am not a CILIP Cymru Wales member Yes
/ No (*)
Please charge me as indicated below:
PTEG Member – full day £20
(incl VAT) Yes / No
Non-PTEG Member £35 (incl VAT) Yes / No (*)
Non-PTEG Member wishing to join PTEG
£30 (incl VAT) Yes
/ No (*)
If a fee is chargeable for your attendance please provide the name and
address for invoicing:
Purchase order number / order reference (if required)
Cancellation policy
Cancellations made up to 14 days before
the course will face no charge. Cancellations made within 14 days of a course,
and failures to attend, will be charged at the full rate of the booking fee
agreed. Depending on circumstances negotiations
may be made to attend a future course without further payment.
CILIP Cymru Wales is a Home Nation Branch of CILIP - The Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals.
Registered Charity No. 313014
VAT registration no. GB 233 1573 87
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